Defending Tennessee since 2015.

In 2015 Phil began his career as an attorney at the Shelby County Public Defender’s Office. His first trial was on a misdemeanor criminal trespass charge. The stakes may have been low at a maximum of 30 days in jail, but the verdict was not-guilty. Since those early days, Phil has seen hundreds of clients each year through some of the most difficult cases that a lawyer can handle.

Having learned the ins and out of criminal defense as a public defender, Phil switched to private practice, learning under a talented and experienced plaintiff’s attorney, Parke Morris, from 2019 to 2021. While he continued to hone his negotiation and advocacy skills, Phil grew interested in business. 

He read everything from John Fisher’s The Power of a System to Michael Mogill’s Game Changing Attorney to Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan’s 10x Is Easter Than 2x. What does it take to build a world class law firm in West Tennessee that valued each client for their full worth and potential? How do you attract a passionate, dedicated team and create an environment that promotes excellence through every stage of every case? Is it possible to build a firm that could one day challenge Tennessee’s notoriety as being “tough on crime” at the expense of the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution?

In the summer of 2023, Phil opened the doors of Phil Harvey Law in pursuit of the answer to these questions. Armed with an iPhone, a MacBook, and a stack of legal pads, Phil got to work in search of his first clients. 

By God’s grace, Phil’s team has now grown to include an executive assistant, an administrative assistant, and a marketing assistant. They have now served more than one hundred Tennessee clients, securing dismissals, probation offers, and reduced prison sentences through meticulous review of each case and skillful negotiating.

Give Phil Harvey Law a call today! Phil and his team are ready to serve you.