Practice Areas

Phil Harvey has extensive experience in fighting for his clients when they have been accused of felony crimes, misdemeanors, and driving under the influence (DUI/DWI). He has secured upfront probation offers for clients facing decades in prison, won diversion for clients when the prosecutors strenuously argued to the judge for jail time, and obtained not-guilty verdicts at trial.

If you or your loved one is facing the power of the government in a criminal accusation, talk to Phil about crafting the best strategy for your case.

The hands of a business man behind bars.

Criminal Defense

Whether you’ve been accused of misdemeanor assault or felony murder, your liberty and future are at stake. Let us help you fight for the best outcome.

Phil has extensive experience defending individuals accused of crimes at every stage of the process, from preliminary hearings to jury trials. And he has handled almost every type of criminal case:

  • Domestic Assault-Bodily Harm

  • Theft of Merchandise

  • Theft of Property

  • Assault

  • Aggravated Assault

  • Burglary

  • Aggravated Burglary

  • Drug Crimes

  • Gun Crimes

  • Robbery

  • Aggravated Robbery

  • Especially Aggravated Robbery

  • Carjacking

  • Kidnapping

  • Aggravated Kidnapping

  • Especially Aggravated Kidnapping

  • Rape

  • Aggravated Rape

  • Rape of a Child

  • Attempted Murder

  • Second-Degree Murder

  • First-Degree Murder

Phil knows when to negotiate and when to fight back. He will work tirelessly for a dismissal or reduction of charges in your case. And if negotiations fail, he is not afraid to pick a jury and fight for acquittal.

The hand of a man holding a bottle and a car key.

DUI Defense

Even if you were driving sober, an officer's mere opinion can be enough to convict you of Driving Under the Influence. And in Tennessee, a DUI conviction can never be expunged. Don’t leave your reputation to chance. 

Tennessee DUI laws are harsh and carry mandatory minimums for jail time and fines if convicted:

1st Offense: 48 hours in jail and a $350 fine

2nd Offense: 45 days in jail and a $600 fine

3rd Offense: 120 days in jail and a $1,100 fine

4th Offense: 150 days in jail and a $3,000 fine

Even after you finish your jail time and pay your fine, probation is required along with a host of programs, classes, and fees.

Phil knows exactly what to look for in challenging the prosecutor’s case. He has cross examined more police officers than he can count, and he will meticulously review the initial traffic stop, the roadside investigation, the so-called field sobriety tests, and the science behind any blood or breath tests. He will look for ways to negotiate a dismissal or reduced charge in your case if at all possible.